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14. 8 .2018   2 minutes of reading

To reach the summit of Dachstein, lightly dressed and within a single day? For some, pure craziness, for us a great challenge. We set off 8 minutes after midnight from Prague. The crew for this trip consisted of two Martins only, since other lunatics had already had different plans.

From car park to the glacier

The way to Gosausee, where we parked, took more than 5 and a half of an hour. Now we just pack most necessery things and let\u2019s hit the road! Running across a flat stretch and along a few beautiful lakes, we passed first 6 kilometres really fast. Then, a far-stretching climb towards the summit began.

In Adamek chalet, right at the foot of the glacier, we had a little refreshment - a quick snack, and Dachstein, here we are! Since we decided to get to the top equipped and dressed lightly, we only had hiking sticks and crampons. The very beginning of the glacier is greatly exposed, and I also must admit that crampons were not the best choice for the glacier. With the summit on our minds though, we successfully got over this part of the glacier and the rest of the journey was \u201ca piece of cake\u201d.

Approaching the summit

The last stretch before the summit is ferrate (B) where we outran a few fully equipped climbers (helmets, climbing irons, ropes, piolets and ferrate sets). Along the way, we noticed many surprised and scared faces but there was also some cheering up, which moved us forward. Steadily, we were rising above the clouds level and enjoying amazing sceneries appearing all around us.

We made it, the summit reached! We were standing at the very top of the mountain, at the cross, and we were having a great time, which was intensified by perfect weather we had for the whole day. It was just fantastic there! We did not want to climb down at all.

Run-down to Dachstein village and home

The snowy run-down went smooth except one moment at the bottom of the glacier - as we were so excited by the summit, we deflected from the save way, and so we got closer to the ice cracks, which is never good. Crampons did not stick much and jumping over several cracks, though small ones, was not a pleasant experience.

Luckily enough, everything came off well and we were able to get back on our track. We arrived at the car park after less than 6 hours, had some snack and set out for the way home.

We reached Prague late at night, and that is about it what I can remember from that day. The following day I was woken up by my alarm clock and another week had begun.

It was fantastic Sunday, and we are already looking for a place where to go next.

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